Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Just took a look at my first post on the blog. Funny how life changes things. I had little idea of what I'd write in this thing, and so I wrote that maybe I'd use it "to keep in touch with family as we all spread over the freakin' western United States." I had no idea that the family would spread faaaar beyond the western U.S., much less that I would be one of the farthest flung.

A brief note of today's happenings:

Getting to sleep too late last night. (I'm repeating the same problem at this very moment.)
Hence, waking up too late in the morning and having a generally unproductive morning. I did read the first part of Othello, but that is not one of my life goals. I should have been writing my plays or working on my sewing, or - oh yeah - looking for a job. But no. I read Othello, fell asleep and then watched the last half of Karate Kid 2. Now that's worth my time.

Then, taking Mom to get her trigger point therapy. She sprained her ankle a couple of days ago. It's a not pretty story. So I won't assault you with it. While she was getting that done, I read "Mary Queen of Scots." Had a pleasant and short conversation with a Turkish gentleman. Short made it pleasant. Any longer and I think I would have freaked out. He had given me a flower blossom and he was wrapped in his towel. I was sitting beside the pool.

Then home and a call from a new friend which reminded me about Enrichment tonight. Topic was strengthing marriage and family relationships. I can hardly express the non-excitement I have about that kind of topic. I'm mostly avoiding bitter feelings, which is progress. But certainly not a topic that makes me eager to go. But go I do, because I need to get to know the sisters here. And it turned out to be ok. No major assaults upon my unmarried state. Or maybe I'm just calloused. I think that's more like it. It's a good thing. Then I can actually respond more humanely to people's intentions, instead of their words. And I did get to know several of the sisters. A pleasant evening.

Then home, all alone, in the dark. Yes, I made it home on the dark roads of Doha. That may not sound like much, but it is easy to get turned around in the day, and in the dark roundabouts are even more confusing. Every roundabout looks the same. Got home, and watched the last half of Wayne's World. Wow. My cinema satisfaction today is supreme. I like esses.

The biggest news is that before going to Enrichment, we had a dinner of leftovers, and I was stupid. I was a blunderbuss. In an effort to convince Mom to come to Enrichment, I said all sorts of blunt observations that were in no way calculated to entice anyone, let alone Mom who is stubborn if she feels forced. I wasn't trying to convince her - I was trying to force her. No good. I think I made her feel very badly. I just want her to get out of the house. But I'll have to be more subtle. Of course, she's going to read this and now be on to my more subtle attempts. So I'll have to be sincere too. Subtle and sincere. Anyone know how to do that?

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