Thursday, March 30, 2006

Excited Ambivalence

Is excited ambivalence possible?

There's a new movie being made about my favorite monarch, but it's a sequel to a movie that is an affront to the tastes of all followers of the Cult of Glorianna, if not an affront to history.

The first movie - "Elizabeth" - overflows with historical inaccuracies and committed the unpardonable sin of dismissing Cecil from his Queen's service. In actuality, Cecil served her for the bulk of her reign, from before her accession until his death a few years before hers. In over forty years, he threatened to leave her service twice, and she promptly capitualted and followed his advice, the woman who didn't even capitulate to old age! Cecil is the man that she called her Spirit. Elizabeth would never commit the suicide of dismissing her Spirit. I was willing to forgive all sorts of historical inaccuracies in the movie for the sake of capturing the essence of her reign in a mere hour or so. But having Elizabeth dismiss Cecil was such a violation! Even more of a violation than showing Elizabeth rolling in the sheets with Dudley, which is a heinous enough violation on its own.

And now the same people are making a sequel.

Check out these links.

Cool Rumors
Shekhar Kapur
Yahoo7 Movies

So, of course I will be seeing this sequel. But .... I'm still so mad about the first one!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


My office is so hot! I'm sitting here with a red face. The other possibile cause is that I just got over an exchange of emails that is quite contentious. The stakes are high for my client because his kid is involved. And so I'm engaged in negotiating his position, and I feel the adrenaline of being in that position. I mean the position of standing in for someone else - not his position. And sometimes it's hard when there's nastiness going on. In fact, I'm pretty sure that my face is red because of conflict, not because the office is hot.

Monday, March 13, 2006

More from Arizona

Well, seems that I overloaded Blogger with pics and so it only is posting these first five. If you want to see more, email me or post a comment and I'll send to you the Yahoo photo album. It was a grand ol' time.

Trip to Arizona

Just a brief trip to Phoenix. Drove there in bad weather. Drove back in good. Highway 89 is rather beautiful. Didn't get any pictures of it. Good to see the fam.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Cousins Learn a Bit About Arabia and Islam.

A couple of weeks ago, Mom and I went to visit my cousins and teach them a bit about where it is that the rest of the family will be living for a couple of years. The idea was to help them become more familiar with, and so less frightened of, the culture. Not that Mom and I are experts by any means. But we're both aware of some similarities and difference between the cultures. So our goal was to emphasize that their cousin, aunt and uncle would be safe and that the people there are children of God. As much as the media and entertainment industries seemingly blame everyone else for misunderstanding and war, it is the extremely limited and violent view of the media that causes the most misunderstanding of Islam, Arabs etc.

We had a pretty good time - and I think they did too. The marzipan was a hit - the tabouli, not. Emphatically.

Pain Hoped For

Through death and jest
dream all a torment.
Too wicked the poison
this ever lazy lover loves.
So give a let to thy breast
to seek a discontent that's loathsome.

Friday, March 03, 2006

A Day in the Shopping Life of Mom and Kiki

This actually was some day in January, I think. It took me this long to get it on the page.

Out the Door.

Piles of Stuff to Do

But We're Happy About it.

The List is in the Open

First Stop

Critical Information

HIgh Class Shopping

Mom Let Me Ride

Five Dollars Successfully Fought For

Into the Lion's Den.

Choosing Our Weapon.

Oh, the Horror!

No Memory Foam Pads, at Least Not the Right Size. Skunked!

Mom Thinking about Moving

The Portable Pharmacy

Wooly Affection from a Friend

Chopsticks Make Everything Better

So Many Books!


How Will I Choose?

What a Happy Dilemma!

Story Time

Pain Pill Time

Back to My Office