Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Cousins Learn a Bit About Arabia and Islam.

A couple of weeks ago, Mom and I went to visit my cousins and teach them a bit about where it is that the rest of the family will be living for a couple of years. The idea was to help them become more familiar with, and so less frightened of, the culture. Not that Mom and I are experts by any means. But we're both aware of some similarities and difference between the cultures. So our goal was to emphasize that their cousin, aunt and uncle would be safe and that the people there are children of God. As much as the media and entertainment industries seemingly blame everyone else for misunderstanding and war, it is the extremely limited and violent view of the media that causes the most misunderstanding of Islam, Arabs etc.

We had a pretty good time - and I think they did too. The marzipan was a hit - the tabouli, not. Emphatically.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREAT ! It is so funny to see you all here on the blogg !
Tobs (from Europe)