Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Holiday Blahs

Compounded with the general distaste for certain aspects of my life is the current familial situation - Dad, Mom and Bean moving to the Middle East.  I feel a malaise in the home, and in myself, finally.  You would think that from the first hint of the news I would have felt some form of homesickness.  But, no.  I've been feeling heartless because I haven't felt badly.  But now I can tell that I am upset and unnerved by the upcoming change.  And I don't want to do anything.  That's one of the signs of depression.  Also a sign that something is happening that I don't want to have happen.  The next few days are going to be really weird.  Well, this entire holiday season has been really weird.
Buck up, little camper.  Esurio, Fides, Conatus.  Spero, Specto, Vivo.  All that other Latin junk that I tell myself when I need to keep going.  Tomorrow is another day.

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