Monday, January 21, 2008

Long Time No See

Well, it's been far too long since I updated this little ol' blog. Much, ever so much has happened. I am back home from Qatar. I am no longer practicing law and there is much rejoicing. I am working at the Hale Theatre. You will kindly notice the "re" spelling; this distinquishes it from the Hale Theater. The "Re" is up in West Valley. So I do have quite a commute. But I love what I do. It's happy. It may be a bit sick, in fact, I know it is, but I'm looking forward to the craziness of Halloween. The commute is something else though. There was a snow storm this moring which more than doubled my time on the road. Took me two hours to get there. But I arrived safely. I must get in bed so that I can get up and get to work on time tomrrow. This is just ridiculous. Pictures of Christmas and California to come. Oh, I think I might throw in some Thanksgiving pics too, since there are some pretty darn cute ones there.

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