Thursday, May 25, 2006

Vitamin B Shots!

I'm a "B"eliever. Went to the doctor yesterday for depression. Told him that I didn't want to take anti-depression pills because I still don't know what Effexor did to me. He gave me a vitamin B shot - and it really works. I don't feel so tired and overwhelmed. I feel like I can do what's in front of me. And I feel happier - not so listless and morose. Yup - I'm glad of it.

He told me that if this shot works, it should last for several days to a week, and that I could come back to get another shot and they would teach me how to give them to myself, so that I don't have to go to the doctor's all the time. I'm a little afraid of giving myself a shot. I've never had a real problem getting shots, but of course, I've never liked it either. But I'd rather give myself a shot of vitamins than be depressed or take a pill that does who know what to my body.

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