Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Being Productive

Because I'm being productive, there is no link to any other place in cyberspace. The internet is a great black hole to my time. I just need to avoid it. So here I am writing now about how I'm being productive, and the very act is unproductive. Nevertheless - I feel much happier when I am productive and and I've been productive today and will continue to be so, as long as I post this and then leave it and don't do anything else on the internet.

But I have to say thank you. This morning when I came into work I knew that my thoughts were spiraling down into a depressive cycle. And I knew that part of the reason for that is that I slept too much this morning and because I haven't yet finished this one blasted motion I've been working on for two weeks. So I said a prayer asking Heavenly Father to help me not go further into the depressive mode and acknowledging that my recent behavior is what started me into it in the first place. (I take my meds regularly, so it wasn't my body, but my thoughts and actions that was causing it.) And today has been productive and happy and varied and I feel like I'm accomplishing things and like I'm actually becoming a lawyer. I actually had a meeting with clients today. I should write about that later - because it was something of a lesson in prejudgment. OkILuvYaBye!

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