Saturday, September 17, 2005


What a great day to bum around and just enjoy being alive. So that's what I'm doing - took a walk to the store to buy some caffiene and other supplies. Pleasant thing, walking. Especially when the weather's good. See people - mostly kids - outside playing with their bikes. Actually I did see some older people outside playing with their motor bikes. And a grandma with two girls. The girls showing off all of the cool things they can do for their grandmother and the grandmother just soaking in the love and the joy. Saw the house with the tree down in front of it. Chopped into pieces with brances just lying there. It's the same way it was last week on Saturday. In fact I walked the same way just to see if they had been able to pick up that tree. But they only picked up a few of the branches. Maybe they're waiting until the wook dries out a bit. Long paragraphs are harder to read than short paragraphs, but I don't want to think about where to logically break my thoughts. This is stream of conciousness - well at least streaming as fast as my fingers type - and type acurately. I use the backspace button quite a bit because I don't want what I'm saying to be put incorrectly. Or misunderstood or actually I guess I don't want people thinking that I'm stupid and can't write English. Because when I see writing that is flagrantly misspelled or with bad grammar or far too many typos, I assume that the person is just stupid or, probably more accurately, that they don't care enough about me to make sure that I can understand what they're trying to say. And I assume that they don't care that what they're saying is important enough to put in the correct form. And if the author doesn't care about what he or she is saying, why should I care? I haven't read that book about puncuation yet--"Eats, Shoots and Leaves"-- but I intend to one of these days.

Tonight there's the BBQ for the Queen's children. I think I'll go to Fantastic Sams to get my hair cut because I doubt that I have a fairy god mother. Besides, I need to get my hair cut anyway. It's at that annoying stage where it's brushing my shoulders and collar in a very shaggy looking way without being either long or short. Just shaggy. So, I'm off. Toodles!

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