Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I Passed!

And so the day has come, and I am a real true live attorney now. I passed the Bar! It's like winning the beauty contest. I feel like such a little girl - it's that kind of pleasure - the giggly kind where my heart feels ticklish. And so then I feel like a fool - as I go around the office telling these very mature WASP men that "I passed" and I can't help giggling. They're probably wondering what kind of person they hired - but hey - at least I'm being genuine. And a giggly girl doesn't draw as much contention and pride as a bulldog with lipstick. It will be easier for them to trust me in way because I'm not trying to prove anything, or change who they are. It's like that Sting song, "[They'll] be wrapped around my finger." Only I don't want that. I just want to be trusted. Do you trust me?

But as far as the Bar goes - what a relief to have it behind me and to know that it's over, that I can keep my job, that I can start being a real attorney, that I can really help people now, that I can trust myself. I hope.

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